Sunday 30 December 2012

Les miserables 2012 movie review

On the 27/12/12 I went with my sister and dad to watch the 2012 movie of 'Les miserables'
The movie was a fine piece of work, though I recommend it to people who have read the book, seen the musicals previously or have watched other adaptations of it, or else it would really be confusing for dad has never seen it so he got bored (pretty much the whole movie was singing and he obviously couldn't be bothered to listen to the lyrics)
I cried 4 times throughout the movie, I cried when Fantine sung 'I dreamed a dream', when young Cosette sung "Castle on a cloud', when Eponine sung 'On my own' and I cried when the movie ended.

Even though this was rated M (with sexual references and violence) I think this film is fine for small children with a level of maturity to watch. For sexual references there was only a very short part towards the middle of the movie and that was all. For violence there was the revolution, you don't see much bloodshed though.
I was really touched when Eponine sung 'On my own', I think her actress Samantha Barks did a great job as the character Eponine, she really had the emotions. That made Eponine my favourite character throughout the movie. 
Towards the end, there was an imaginary scene of the barricade of if the revolution succeeded, and all the characters were alive again and Gavroche was sitting on top of the barricade with everyone singing, it was really touching and had a lot of passion that made me think if they tried harder they would have won the revolution.
Overall, this is a great movie, everyone should have a try to watch it if they like 'Les miserables.' ^-^

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Harry Potter exhibition

On Sunday my whole family went to the Harry Potter Exhibition! No photos...what a pity. But it was so cool! And I took a picture of the flying car in the entry... Everything from the movie was brought out and it felt very realistic~
They said "don't take photos cause' it really upset the night owls!" or "don't touch anything because it's all cursed!" Nice tricks to trick children...
I heard a child say to their parents "Dad wer'e not allowed to take photos cause' it'll really upset the night owls!"
Dad: Actually it has something to do with copyright...
Kid: What's copyright?
It was quite freaky with the dementors and 'guardian of the dead'~something on the lines of that!
It was quite cool with the mist and the grand hall of Hogwarts, and I brought some souvenirs! A pen shaped like Harry's wand and every flavoured beans~! Some weird flavours in there!
Earwax and vomit... It's not that bad I guess.
It's not made to taste exactly like the real thing!
* * *
星期日,我跟全家人去了哈利波特的展覽! 禁止拍照...實在太可惜了...
再還沒進去之前員工騙小孩子說: 不能拍照, 不然會弄醒貓頭鷹!
還有: 不能碰東西, 裡面的東西都被詛咒了!
展覽開始~走進第一扇門時一個巫女叫所有人坐下請了2,3個小朋友幫他們分配到不同的House(gryffindor, slytherin)
然後到Hogwarts, 黑暗森林, Hagrid 的小木屋,大廳之類的地方. 實在讓人看得目不暇給啊!
一踏入Gift shop 就不能返回了,不買紀念品也太可惜了,就買了Every flavoured beans和形狀像似Harry potter的魔杖的筆...當然,這部算貴...真正貴的是價錢三百塊的魔杖,不是玩具喔!
I'll post it up next time. ^-^
P.S.English and chinese ver. are different, so for people who can read both languages please read both!