Sunday 24 July 2011

Harry potter day at school

On friday, we had Harry Potter day, we had mufti day and some people dressed up as people from Harry Potter. I was a muggle. Because it was raining, all the stalls were in the hall. There was house sorting, candy trolleys, cupcake stalls and much more...

This is the lollies I bought from a trolley, it looks cute, it has a chocolate frog on the very bottom. On the trolley it said 'Anything off the trolley dears' That's just like Harry Potter!

At home, I shared all the lollies with my sister.

Sunday 3 July 2011

My drawings- Gon from HunterxHunter

Uh...I drew this...but I don't think you can see the signature at the bottom... I'm really happy about it, it's Gon from HunterxHunter (my favourite anime/manga) I'll put more drawings on this blog in the future!